Make a Conference Call

Digital Conference Rooms are an included service with your iTel Hosted PBX. It allows you to have a conversation with as many other people as you need.

If you only need to do a 3-way call, see Make a 3-Way Call.

If you do not currently have a Conference Room set up, or are unsure about your Conference Room number or PIN number, submit a support ticket to iTel.

From Inside the Office

  1. Using your iTel deskphone or softphone, dial the 4-digit conference room number provided to you
  2. You will hear "Thank you for joining the conference, please enter the conference room PIN number"
  3. Enter the PIN on your phone's number pad

You will now be waiting in the conference. Once others join, you will be ready to begin.

From Outside the Office

  1. From a mobile phone, landline, or any phone external to iTel, dial the conference room phone number provided to you
  2. You will hear "Thank you for joining the conference, please enter the conference room PIN number"
  3. Enter the PIN on your phone's number pad

You will now be waiting in the conference. Once others join, you will be ready to begin.

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