Recommended Fax Settings on HP X476

Change error correction (ECM) and fax speed (BAUD Rate) on HP X476

Set the fax-error-correction mode
Usually, the product monitors the signals on the telephone line while it is sending or receiving a fax. If the product detects an error during the transmission and the error-correction setting is On, the product can request that the portion of the fax be resent. The factory-set default for error correction is On.
  1. From the Home screen, touch the Setup Button
  2. Touch the Fax Setup menu
  3. Touch the Advanced Fax Setup menu
  4. Touch the Error Correction Mode button and touch the Off button
Change the fax speed
The fax-speed setting is the modem protocol that the product uses to send faxes. It is the worldwide standard for full-duplex modems that send and receive data across telephone lines at up to 33,600 bits per second (bps). The factory-set default for the fax-speed setting is Fast (33600 bps). 
  1. From the Home screen, touch the Setup button
  2. Touch theFax Setup menu
  3. Touch the Advanced Fax Setup menu
  4. Scroll to and touch the Fax Speed button and adjust to 9600.
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