If your processor has AES-NI extensions use this command:
rsync -r -t -e "ssh -T -c aes256-gcm@openssh.com -o Compression=no -x" --info=progress2 -s (directory to be backed up) (username).(organization code)@sync.itel.com:(destination directory)
If not use this one:
rsync -r -t -e "ssh -T -c chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -o Compression=no -x" --info=progress2 -s (directory to be backed up) (username).(organization code)@sync.itel.com:(destination directory)
It's that simple!
To set up scheduled backups you would first ensure rsync can run passwordless using your provided public key. Then create a cron job similar to this (to make a backup everyday at 2am):
0 2 * * * (rsync command that you created in the first step)