Set up a Static IP Address on a Linksys or Cisco Phone

NOTE: This guide should only be followed under the guidance of iTel Support. An improperly set static IP could potentially disrupt service to other phones.

  1. Press the settings icon (looks like a piece of paper with the corner folded).
  2. Use the arrows to scroll to option 9 "Network".
  3. Press "select".
  4. Under "WANConnectionType" you may see "DHCP" or "Static IP". If you see "DHCP" select "edit" and press "option" until it says "Static IP" and press "ok"
  5. Not all of the fields below may be specified by iTel Support. If it is not specified you may skip the step.
  6. Use the arrows to scroll down to option 8 "Non-DHCP IP Address" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the IP address that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  7. Use the arrows to scroll down to option 9 "Non-DHCP Subnet Mask" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the subnet mask that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  8. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 10 "Non-DHCP Default Route" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the default route or gateway that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  9. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 11 "Non-DHCP DNS1" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the primary DNS server that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  10. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 12 "Non-DHCP DNS2" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the secondary DNS server that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  11. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 13 "Non-DHCP NTP Server 1" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the secondary DNS server that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  12. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 14 "Non-DHCP NTP Server 2" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the secondary DNS server that iTel has provided. You can use the "*" key for ".". Press "ok" when finished.
  13. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 16 "Enable VLAN" and press "edit". Press the "y/n" key until the specified setting is displayed. Press "ok" when finished.
  14. Use the arrow keys to scroll down to option 17 "VLANID" and press "edit". Use the keypad to type the VLAN ID that iTel has provided. Press "ok" when finished.
  15. Once you have filled in the specified fields press "save" to save the settings.
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