Chapter 8 - Music On Hold

***PLEASE NOTE: We recommend using royalty free music unless you have the rights to the music you wish to use***

 Music On Hold can be any audio file you would like to play while a customer is waiting...

  • On Hold
  • In a Queue
  • In a Parking Lot

You can find Music On Hold on the Main Menu Bar at the top of the screen

On the right-hand side there is a list of all the Music Categories, including the default one. A Music Category is a group of audio files and must contain at least one audio file in the mp3 or wav format. A Category can be specified in various applications so the system knows when to use that audio.

Add a Music Category

  1. Click Add Music Category from the right-hand menu
  2. Specify a unique and meaningful name for the Category and hit Submit Changes

  3. Select your new Category
  4. Click Choose File and select an audio clip (mp3 or wav) for the Category

  5. Click Upload - it will show a Completed message once finished along with any files that have been uploaded. You may upload as many audio files into a category as you wish


Streaming Categories

  1. Find an MP3 stream that you would like to use (we recommend using a low bitrate stream to minimize your bandwidth usage).  Make a note of the streaming URL because you will need it later on.

    ***Note: If you are using a site like, you will need to download the playlist (.pls) and then open the file in a text editing application to capture the streaming URL
    (i.e. File1=http://randomstreamaddresshere)***

  2. You will also need a program called MPG123

  3. Now on your PBX, go to Music On Hold (may be under Settings > Music On Hold)

  4. Next you will select 'Add Streaming Category'

  5. Enter a Category Name that easily identifies the stream.  You will also need to enter the following string:

    /usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 --mono -s http://randomstreamaddresshere

    ***Please Note: "http://randomstreamaddresshere" should be the streaming URL for the stream you have selected***

  6. Click Submit Changes and then make sure to Apply Changes.  You're done!




For the final chapter of this guide, see Chapter 9 - User Panel


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