Time Conditions allow you to specify where calls are routed based on specific dates and times. For example, you could have your phones ring during opening hours and sent to voicemail after hours.
Time Conditions require a Time Group in order to function correctly. (Click here for Time Groups).
Typical Example:
Let's say we have a company, open Monday to Friday, from 9am-5pm. They want their receptionist (extension 1000) to receive calls during this time. If a call comes in after hours, the company wants the call to go straight to the receptionist's voicemail.
First we have to Create a Time Group to specify 9-5 Monday to Friday, then create a Time Condition with the appropriate destinations. If the time matches, the destination will be the receptionist's extension. Otherwise the destination will be the receptionist's voicemail.
Inbound route -> during operational hours -> extension 1000
-> after hours -> voicemail (extension 1000)