Ring Groups

A Ring Group allows a list of extensions to be rung all at once or in a pattern.

The fields worth noting are:

  • Ring-Group Number - a unique number that can be dialed to ring the group
  • Group Description - a name to help identify the group
  • Ring Strategy - what method to use when ringing the phones
  • Ring Time - how long in seconds the list of extensions will ring
  • Play Music on Hold? - whether the caller hears ringing or music
  • CID Name Prefix - prefixes a string before the caller ID on the agents' phones
  • Destination if no answer - where the call will go if the Ring Time elapses without an agent answering the call

The default Ring Strategy is “ringall” which means every phone in the extension list will ring at the same time until one is answered. Don't forget you can always read more about what a feature does by hovering your cursor over the question mark icons on the PBX.

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