Set Config Server on Grandstream GXP2160

  1. Press the up arrow on the directional pad:
    • mceclip4.png
  2. The IP address of the phone will be displayed on the screen. Note the IP address displayed.
  3. Enter the phone's IP address in your browser's address bar:
    • mceclip2.png
  4. A Grandstream login page should be displayed:
    • mceclip5.png
  5. The usename will be 'admin' and the password will either be 'admin' or '89558'.
  6. Once logged in select 'Maintenance' > 'Upgrade and Provisioning':
    • mceclip6.png
  7. Under the 'Config' heading ensure 'Config Upgrade via' is set to 'HTTP' and enter the 'Config Server Path' provided to you by the iTel support agent.
    • mceclip7.png
  8. Under the 'Firmware' heading ensure 'Firmware Upgrade via' is seto to 'HTTP' and enter the 'Firmware Server Path' provided to you by the iTel support agent.
    • mceclip0.png
  9. Click 'Save and Apply'.
    • mceclip10.png
  10. Your phone may take up to 10-15 minutes to configure itself and may reboot one or more times.
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