Chapter 5 - Endpoints - Add an Extension

An Endpoint is the final destination of a phone call. It's the point at which you are actually speaking to another individual over the phone, leaving a voicemail, or otherwise.

An Extension is a typical endpoint on a PBX. Every extension has a unique number - usually composed of three or four numerical digits. Devices such as Digital IP Phones and "Soft Phones" connect to the PBX using the Extension as their unique identifier.

Add an Extension

To edit or add an extension find the “Extensions” link in Applications.  Existing extensions can be seen in a box on the right side. At the top of this box you will see an “add new extension” link. To edit the features of an existing extension, choose one from the list of existing extensions on the right hand side and click on it. Note: If you add or swap existing extension numbers, the corresponding phones will not work until you notify iTel support. Swapping/adding extension numbers requires editing certain configuration files only accessible by iTel support.

Voicemail is available on every extension it just has to be enabled. The user also has the option of getting emails containing a .wav file attachment of every voicemail this extension receives.     

Scrolling to the bottom of the Advanced tab you will notice 3 drop-down bars. These three drop-downs specify the destination the call will go to if the extension is a) not answering b) busy and c) unreachable. Any destination like this can be set to almost any application.

Also, to see the previous application the call was routed to before the extension (or any application), find the “Used as Destination By” line at the top of the page and hover your mouse over the icon at the end of the line. This is an excellent way to trace a route backwards to find a problem.

Additional Notes:

-Do not edit the secret field. if you edit this field and apply the change, the extension will no longer work.  You will need to contact iTel support to get it fixed.

The next topic Chapter 6 - View Call Data Records

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